We’re passionate about helping you find your perfect horse.


Meet Karianne

Hi Everyone, my name is Karianne Christoffersen and I’m the owner and operator of Sky Horses and Østre Sneis Farm.

I’m a full-time showjumper and specialize in the training and international sales of talented jumping horses for the Showjumping and Hunter/Jumper market. 

With a background as a competitive equestrian for over twenty years, combined with my decade of experience in the Real Estate industry, my passion for the sport and for business provides me with a unique perspective on equestrianism. 

Seeing horses as first and foremost, my greatest passion, and the best team mates you could hope for - and secondly as a fantastic investment that can benefit horse and owner.

I’m very grateful to have created a career that allows me to live my dream, and of course I couldn’t do it without the support of my owners, breeders, and of course my amazing family.


My greatest passion in life is equestrianism and notably in helping others to reach their own ambitions and potential in the sport that we all so love.

I take my role in the equine industry in Norway very seriously, and work every day to improve the sport that I hold so dear!

We can help.

  1. Narrow Down Requirements

Working with each owner, we’re always available to talk through requirements and wants to ensure that we know what you need in a horse of a lifetime.

2. Curate a Selection

From your requirements, we’ll then narrow down a short-list of horses that we know will live up to or even exceed your expectations.

3. Bring Your Horse Home

We like to help you from beginning to end, and that’s why we’re happy to assist in arranging transport of your chosen horse direct to your barn.